22-25 Jan 2025 Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City (Philippines)

The ICMI Study

The 27th ICMI Study 'Mathematics Education and the Socio-Ecological' will bring together, in a Study Conference and culminating in a ICMI Study volume based on the Conference activities, an expert reference group comprising scholars, with diverse representation within the ICMI community, and across mathematics education sites and contexts. As a named topic, the ‘socio-ecological' is relatively new compared to many others in the field. Yet there is wide recognition of the urgent need for thought leadership to consider what is and might be the role of mathematics and mathematics education in multiple, intersecting, social, political, and ecological issues such as climate change, poverty, inequality, health crises, discrimination, and marginalization. The task of this Study is to reflect on ‘the state of the art' by analysing the growing research and practice in the areas of mathematics education and the socio-ecological, offered from diverse traditions including, and not limited to: critical mathematics education; decoloniality; ethnomathematics; feminist thought, Indigenous ways of knowing; and mathematical modelling. Furthermore, the Study hopes to harness such contributions and anticipate new possibilities, questions, and recommendations for research, innovation and action for mathematics education located in the complexity of social and ecological interdependencies. The Study will build community (including interdisciplinary relations) and open space towards new directions in mathematics education, as it relates to the socio-ecological across local and international levels. 


Discussion Document

The Discussion Document includes all the relevant information about the scientific and organizational sides of the ICMI Study. In particular, it includes the information about the objectives and relevant questions to be adressed by each theme and sub-theme.

Please note that submissions are closed. Conference participation is based on invitation, and registration for invitees is open.

Discussion Document


Location and dates

The ICMI Study 27 Conference will take place from January 22 (Wednesday) to January 25 (Saturday), 2025, in Quezon CityPhilippines

The venue is, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights Campus, Quezon City, Philippines, https://www.ateneo.edu/

The conference is hosted by the Department of Mathematics, School of Science and Engineering, Ateneo de Manila University in cooperation with the Philippine Council of Mathematics Teacher Educators (MATHTED), Inc.

The registration cost for the Conference is €250 - this includes lunches and teas during the conference days and a contribution to a solidarity fund. It will be possible to apply to the solidarity fund for contributions towards the conference fee and accommodation costs.

Accommodation will need to be organised individually by participants (see relevant tab on this website for details of a range of venues). 



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